Building a Snowcave

A snow cave is very similar to an igloo but instead of being made out of blocks of snow, a snow cave is hollowed out of a snow bank. Snow caves are faster to make than an igloo and the only tool you will need is a shovel. Choose a location with a steep hillside and...


Many small and medium-sized mammals in north-temperate regions solve the problem of winter scarcity of food and low temperature by entering a prolonged and controlled state of dormancy. True hibernators, such as ground squirrels, groundhogs, and mice, prepare for...


Frostbite is caused by the restriction of blood circulation due to extreme cold. The beginning of frostbite is not necessarily painful but is seen by telltale white spots. Cheeks, nose, and ears are the most vulnerable. Always keep ears covered and wear a facemask in...

Benjamin Cutter

He was a private under the command of Benjamin Tupper   and served for 4 or 5 years with the Massachusettes regiment. Somewhere in some of the geneology papers he is listed as a Captain but I would have to stay with...

Raccoon Tracks

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