Tracks Quiz Animal Track Identification QuizCan you identify this track? It belongs to a pretty good swimmer. Beaver Mink Otter Muskrat How about this track? Coyote Red Fox Bobcat Fisher This one has wings. Turkey Grouse Crow Blue Heron Watch out for this critter! Porcupine Weasel Black Bear Skunk This one loves crayfish. Raccoon Opossum Skunk Porcupine You won't see this animal much during the daylight hours. Raccoon Opossum Skunk Porcupine This one is pretty common. Gray Fox Red Fox Skunk Coyote You'll find this one near water. Muskrat Beaver Mink Raccoon If you find this track keep your eye on the surrounding trees. Fisher Bobcat Opossum Porcupine NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.