Garden Insect Quiz Garden Insect QuizThis is a Wire Worm Cut Worm Horn Worm Slug This is a Flea Beetle Japanese Beetle Spider Mite Squash Bug This is a Spotted Cucumber Beetle Spider Mite Potato Beetle Striped Cucumber Beetle This is a Squash Bug Weevil Striped Cucumber Beetle Japanese Beetle These are Rust Flies House Flies White Flies Aphids This is a Slug Weevil Potato Beetle Spotted Cucumber Beetle This is a Tomato Hornworm Wire Worm Cut Worm Corn Worm This is a Cut Worm Slug Aphid Weevil This is a Squash Vine Borer Rust Fly Weevil Squash Bug CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.