A snow cave is very similar to an igloo but instead of being made out of blocks of snow, a snow cave is hollowed out of a snow bank. Snow caves are faster to make than an igloo and the only tool you will need is a shovel. Choose a location with a steep hillside and deep snow. Your roof must remain at least 2 feet thick after your cave is completed. A snow cave is made up of three parts, the main cavity of the cave, the entrance hole and a ventilation shaft. The smaller you can keep the entrance to your cave, the warmer the cave will stay. After hollowing out the cave, use the handle of your shovel to add an angled ventilation shaft to the roof of your cave. Last, you will want to compact and smooth the snow walls to turn the inside layer to ice. As long as your ventilation shaft is not blocked you can use candles or a lantern to light your cave and provide additional warmth.