He was a private under the command of Benjamin Tupper  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Tupper   and served for 4 or 5 years with the Massachusettes regiment. Somewhere in some of the geneology papers he is listed as a Captain but I would have to stay with private since the filed papers say so. I can’t read most of the papers they’re to dark and the writing is hard to dechipher. The company or regiment he was with was part of  the Massachusettes Line. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massachusetts_Line

Here’s his list of personal possesions before or after he died.

Hope you can view the file. Making out words is very difficult. I should probably bring it to someone that can clean it up and make sense of it. A couple of the things listed on there are  2 Swine  top line $20.00 1 plow and 1 drag 2nd line $5.00 ,  1 Draft ?   Some dishes, down at the bottom it has a Wooden Wheel  $2.50

The next one is a copy of his Certificate of Pension  for service that his wife, my 10th Great Grandmother recieved after his death

If you can make any of this out she was paid a total of  196 dollars a year for his service.  He died March 5, 1846 , he was 84 yrs old. Her name was Elizabeth. It looks like the first payment she was supposed to receive on September 30, 1868 and it was issued on the 4th day of December 1867. She died  on June 9, 1871.   I know where their original farm was and to a degree is still somewhat of a farm today. It’s called Cutter Hill in Fort Ann, New York.

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