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Posts Tagged ‘adirondacks’
Monday, August 10th, 2009
Went up to Raquette Lake last Friday and canoed the south inlet. It was a nice paddle but a little windy. Someone told me it was about 2 miles back into the waterfall. I pretty much took my time, just about three hours to get to the end of the still water. I did quite a bit of exploring on the way and just a tad bit of fishing. There wasn’t much in the way of wildlife to my surprise. I did see a Kingfisher, on the way in and for the first time I can remember I heard a bear growling/roaring, a little of both. He was in the back water about half way in, in a large setback off to the left. I paddled in to see if I could get a glimpse of him but nothing ever materialized.
I was also pretty surprised by the lack of frogs there, although I did see only one Blue Heron they must be putting a huge dent in the frog population as this place was ideal for big bull frogs and I never saw even one. The water lillies were beautiful and I did manage to get some pictures of them as well as a few Orchids. Back into the falls I did a little trout fishing and caught to nice ones about 9 to 10 inches each. As I’m sitting here writing this their still swimming in the pools I caught them in. Kinda neat to think about!! Someday I’ll keep a few for a nice trout dinner. There’s nothing like a fresh brook trout with butter and lemon juice on the barbecue. I’ll be heading out to Yellowstone in a few weeks to do some photography. I’m getting pretty excited to be heading there, it’s one of the places I always wanted to see. That just leaves Alaska on the list to do before I die. Hey if your ever in Raqutte lake make sure you canoe the inlet, it’s a nice easy paddle for a day trip. Enjoy!!!
Tags: adirondacks, bears, blue heron, brook trout, bull frogs, canoieng, kingfisher, orchids, paddle, raqutte lake, water, water lillies Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Saturday, July 25th, 2009
Seems I remember years ago reading an article on the mortality rate being high on turkey poults when it was a wet spring. Well, this is the wettest spring as well as summer that I can ever remember and I have seen more poults than I have ever. In fact I nearly ran off the road trying to avoid running over about a dozen crossing the pavement the other day. I have been doing a little schooling the past week and drove the same 3 hour route every morning. Granted they were most likely the same turkeys I was seeing everyday but I was seeing nearly up to 75 poults of varying sizes in the same locations. Most were fairly developed in size and there were a couple groups that hadn’t hatched all that long ago. That would to me shoot down the theory of to much rain attributing to low turkey survival rates.
The other wildlife viewings on my long drives were the usual deer crossings and much to my dismay about a half dozen Porcupines that weren’t to lucky with road crossings. Most people would love to kill all the Porcupines out there since they are destructive to trees but since I rarely see them in my hikes I rather let them live to see another day. I also saw quite a few Loons canoeing last weekend. I love to paddle in Garnett Lake a nice spot up here and there usually from my experience in the past is one pair of Loons but this time there were atleast three pairs that I noticed and two of them had young chicks with them. You’ve probably read it a million times but there really is nothing like the sound of a loon calling on a misty morning. If anyone out there has any pics of tracks or animals they would want to send in and possibly be put on an I-phone app I have coming out drop me an email and we may consider usiong it if the quality is good. Happy Hiking and enjoy the weekend!!!!
Tags: adirondacks, caonoeing, garnett lake, I Phone, loon calls, loons, nature, paddling, porcupine, turkey poults, turkeys Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Sunday, July 12th, 2009
Not my life in the field, that would bore most anyone who happens on this article. I’m talking about new life, the deer dropped their fawns two to three weeks ago. One doe has hung around the field out here chasing the cats away and snorting at them everyday. It’s quite comical actually to see the deer chase the cats away and the cats chase the doe right back. I think their more playing with each other than anything. The doe hanging around everyday was a sure sign that her fawn was close by. Try as I might I could not locate her. It wasn’t until last week that I saw them in the adjoining field together. When the doe spooked to draw attention away from the fawn, the fawn ran about 20 feet and immediately laid down. It figured that, that was the one day I was late getting out to work and left the camera at home. I wish I had gone back for it and I could have gotten a nice pic to post here. They are beautiful animals. They will be out together shortly so I will have another chance for a photo, Ill be back!!!! Happy Hiking.
Tags: adirondacks, baby deer, deer, fawn, fawns, photography, summer, whitetails Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Friday, February 27th, 2009
Welcome to the North Woods blog site. I will be putting in some info this weekend on what the wildlife around here (here being the Adirondacks) have been experiencing this winter. It hasn’t been a good one for the those that don’t hibernate and I will fill you in on that shortly. Happy Hiking!!
So far the winter of 2008/2009 has been pretty severe in Adirondacks. The amount of snow we have had the past couple years has taken it’s toll mostly on the deer herd. I have seen deer where just about the only part visible was their head above the snow. Displacing that much snow when they move consumes alot of energy which isn’t easy to replace. Any of the mast crops that fell last fall are buried under 3-4 feet of crusty snow with more surely to come in the next month. Deer have been browsing heavily on evergreens which offer very little in energy and nutrition. I suspect the winter kill will be fairly high this year. As sad as that is it’s a part of the natural cycle of life in the wild. For every deer that succcumbs to the elements there are other animals and birds that will live to see another winter. Fox, coyotes, fisher, hawks,crows and turkey vultures will leave little to waste. Usually the longer the winter the higher the mortality rate among the population as their fat reserves they stored up in the fall are almost depleted once mid March arrives. If we can get through this month with some warmer temperatures and some what of a thaw then they may fair better. I certainly know I would be much happier if this winter was over. If by chance your hiking or snowshoeing and come across a winter deer yard try not to disturb the area. The more you push the deer around the more precious energy they needlessly burn up and may not be able to replace.
Happy Hiking
Tags: adirondacks, animals, coyote, deer, fisher, fox, hawks, kill, tracking, tracks, tracks in snow, wildlife, winter Posted in Winter Wildlife | No Comments »
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